We would like to hear how you experienced your visit to our practice. Your response is very valuable: it allows us to improve our care and service. Would you like to pass on your suggestions or compliments to us? Let us know. Thank you in advance!
We try to offer the best dental care. Being in close contact with our patients is of utmost importance to achieve this. If you feel like we have informed or treated you incorrectly, we kindly ask you to report this to us. This is the only way that we can improve our care. Feel free to contact us if you have any problems or are not completely satisfied.
If there are any problems, a conversation can often provide clarity. You can express your dissatisfaction and your dentist can explain why certain choices were made. Experience teaches us that a conversation is often sufficient and can result in a solution that suits both parties.
If a conversation cannot result in a solution, one can seek advice from the Dental Information Point (TIP). The TIP was founded by the KNMT. TIP itself is not a complaints agency, but can give you advice on how to deal with a complaint from a neutral perspective.
If this does not provide a satisfactory solution, you can use the KNMT complaints procedure. The KNMT can mediate or formally handle your complaint and make a ruling. There are no costs associated with the complaints procedure.
Additional information about our opening hours
Tandartspraktijk IJburg
IJburglaan 1287
1087 GJ Amsterdam
Telephone: 020-4166654